
Monday, January 26, 2009

Not Me Monday...Part 7

Welcome to Not Me! Monday! This blog carnival was created by MckMama. You can head over to her blog to read what she and everyone else have not been doing this week.

My daughter did not turn THREE on Saturday. It has not been three years and two other babies ago that I swaddled her up and brought her home from the hospital. I am not about to cry right now.
We didn't only get her one gift through the after Christmas sales. I didn't get a bargain via Wal-Mart (40% off). I wouldn't get her the Barbie Mariposa...I mean those wings and a three year old don't mix. I'm not the one who broke the wings putting them on and if I did, I would certainly take it back to Wal-Mart and get a new one in anticipation of my daughter not breaking it on her own. The wings haven't already found there way into the trash. Mariposa isn't just a regular Barbie now.
My mom didn't think it would be a great idea to get Belle a recorder...she wouldn't ever curse my house with such a toy. If Belle did get a recorder, her and Raef wouldn't be fighting over it and when Raef finally gets the chance to play it, he is smart enough to know that you don't have to hum into it to get the sound...

Marcus is healing nicely from his Staph infection, but he doesn't now have a cold...runny nose, cough, all the yuckies. His mama isn't about to pull her hair out.


Eve said...

Haha... we had one of those barbies in our house just before christmas. She didn't last long here either! She was sooo pretty, but those wings won't behave and are obnoxious! Good for you, taking advantage of the after Christmas sales (I did a wee bit of that myself - more than I should have, probably). ;)

heidi said...

Happy Birthday to Belle!!


jill said...

happy birthday belle!!! and love the post! WISH you were in texas or i was in kc! we could cause some SERIOUS trouble. in a totally good way, of course.

Nutty Mom said...

ya know, a nice sock down inside that recorder just might do the trick!

Ang said...

Ok do they give out friends of the year? That's what I feel like right now! I was so self absorbed in my world that I didn't make the time to get on here and know it was Belle's birthday! I am so sorry............Ang will just slink away from the computer now...:)