
Thursday, January 22, 2009

His Protection ~ Chapter 12

This chapter was a bit generic. I do pray for protection of my family, but maybe I should add in protection from the enemy.

I have been discussing this book with a friend of mine and she said that she added in "and God, could you please help my husband to protect me.". I thought that was so profound. Sometimes our husbands don't see us as needing protected. Maybe that is our fault, maybe that is society whispering in their ear that women don't need men. Let me tell you, I need my husband. He is the head of our household and sometimes, the weight of the world is too much to bear and I need a little protection...let me say, that I am not looking for him to fill in the protection I need from God, but like I want and crave the love of God, I also want and crave the love of my husband. In that respect, I want his protection too. To protect me from bad decisions he might make, by not making those decisions. Protecting me from unnecessary pain and protecting my vulnerability.

So I pray for physical protection for my husband and family, mental protection from the enemy, and that my husband understands the correct way to protect me from what God directs him too.


Ang said...

I respect so much the fact of what you are praying for. I need to do this so much more in my own marriage & maybe those awful valleys wouldn't come sometimes. You truly are an inspriration to me :)

Ang said...

How is Marcus doing?

Nutty Mom said...

What a cool way to look at it. I really need to stop being so "sure of myself" and start looking to Mr Nut for protection. Thanks for the new idea!

ash said...

interesting perspective. I always thought of protection as sheltering those you love from hurt from others...I never thought of it in terms of protecting those you love by being mindful of my own actions. I'm going to sit on that one for a bit. good post!

ash said...

interesting perspective. I always thought of protection as sheltering those you love from hurt from others...I never thought of it in terms of protecting those you love by being mindful of my own actions. I'm going to sit on that one for a bit. good post!

Julie said...

Good Post! I really like that alot. When my hubby and I were first married he went to Iraq with the military. I totally know what you were saying. I really like feeling like I am protected and loved by my husband.

Liz Blalock said...

Thanks for your sweet comments on my blog. It has been such a blessing to have a place to go and journal all that God is doing and teaching me. It is so encouraging to receive a kind word. Thanks for taking the time to leave me a sweet note. Tell your husband thanks for the compliment on the music.