Monday night I noticed a bug bite on the back of Marcus' head. It was right were he has a bald spot from lying on his back and looking from side to side. I just remember noticing it, running my finger over it and deciding it wasn't a big deal.
Last night, I noticed it had really puffed up. When I touched it, it was soft and squishy. I called my mom and she said that if it wasn't seriously red and since it took 24 hours to get that way, just wait until morning and if it still looks like that, call the doctor.
I decided to put some salve on it with a band-aid (since it was in the bald spot, there wasn't too much hair) and then I laid him down for the evening.
In the middle of the night, I could just hear him whining...I looked in his crib and he was just tossing his head back and forth. I thought maybe the bite was bothering him so I laid him on my chest to let him sleep on his stomach. Within 30 seconds, he was sleeping.
When I got up this morning, I checked on it and it was much larger than the band-aid...not kidding, the size of half an egg. It had a little white head on it and it seemed to hurt when I touched it. So I called his pediatrician and made an appointment. After that, I really started to let my mind run wild...its so big, its on his head. What if it affects his brain? What if I am not taking him to the doctor fast enough? Should I have taken him yesterday? What if they want to drain it? Will they need to put him under? Will they have me take him to the children's hospital?
So I called our dermatologist. I really like him because he always tells us what he would do with his own kids. He had an appointment an hour earlier than our pediatrician, so I took it.
When we went to see him, he had to use a q-tip to extract the little white tip. Poor Marcus cried his painful cry and all I could do was sit there. The doctor told us he thinks its a boil caused by Staph. Scary, but he gave us antibiotics (which I hate, but give when necessary) and a topical. We should hear back in a couple of days to see if its the really bad kind.
So please say a prayer for my Marcus that this is easily curable and his pain is minimal. Poor boy can't lie on his back, so its difficult to get him to sleep. Every time you put him on his tummy, he just rolls over and his head hits the bed, which makes him cry...I feel so bad. I wish I could make him feel better, but Tylenol is all I can do at this point. Oh yeah, and he's teething. Fun fun.
Poor guy. Hope he is feeling better soon.
Poor kiddo! Hope he feels better soon.
I'm glad he is doing alright, but I'll keep praying, I've had him on my mind and in my heart all day.
God Bless.
Oh my goodness..bless his heart and yours...Thank goodness you took him on. I hope you all rest well tonight and thanks for keeping me posted! Another one of your followers did as well which I appreciated! I have thought about the little guy all day!! Take care !!!!
Awww!! Poor kiddo!! :-( And poor mommy!
Sorry I've been out all day and now I feel so behind. I hope he's doing alright. I'll be praying for him, and you.
Oh...we've had the staph boils. Not fun, but they do go away. It isn't fun in the meantime with a fussy baby. My middle son had one on his rear end right where his diaper elastic hit his skin. AWFUL. We let him run around naked half the time....and that just ended in tons of pee all over my carpet!
Hope he feels better soon!
You might be watching yourself for staff infection. It can be very contagious.
Poor baby.. thoughts and prayers my friend!!! :o)~
I'm sorry to hear about Marcus. I hope he starts to feel better. I have enjoyed reading your blog. I am a mother of three girls. Life can be crazy!
I hope you all rest well tonight!!
Oh, poor little Marcus. I hope it proves to be something very small and easy to take care of! Hang in there.
Goodness don't worry about what I am going thru..those things pass..I am just hoping Marcus gets to feeling better soon..You are way too sweet!!
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