
Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Wordless Wednesday


Adrienne, Another Ordinary Miracle said...

Oh sweet Mrs B, I just took a moment to read some of your blog, and I am so sorry for all you've been through recently. I have not been in your shoes, but I do know how hard it can be to be hurting inside but having to keep going for your child(ren) as though nothing is wrong. Feel free to email me anytime @

It makes me so sad that The Other doesn't seem to care much about her baby, and to think he was abused so badly he had to go to the hospital... I wish I could save that little guy...

sending you a hug from across the miles,

Ang said...

I was cracking up at that video..I guess I have a weird sense of humor...first of all what ADORABLE children you have!! just precious..but as I was watching..other than a teeny bit of whip lash..I think you might just have you a good little baby sitter in years to come :):) They both seem so contented!!

Nutty Mom said...

that is hillariously cute