
Monday, December 15, 2008

Update on The Other

Just wanted to give you a quick update. When we met with the social worker, we made an agreement that Mr B wouldn't see the baby for two weeks, so the bruises had time to go away. Well, on Friday, The Other called and asked Mr B if he would be taking the baby on Saturday. Mr B said no, that he had made an agreement with the social worker not to see the baby for two weeks. The Other then preceded to tell Mr B she had talked to the social worker and that she said he could take the baby if he wanted to since it was a court order and no abuse was found. Mr B said he still didn't think it was a good idea (not telling The Other about wanting to have him after the bruises were gone) but he would be picking him up starting next week. The Other seemed agitated telling Mr B he needs to be seeing his son and he really should come get him on Saturday. Mr B held firm.

What I don't understand is why she is so persistent. Why would she want someone who she accused his wife, me, of abuse, having her son? I don't know whats going on...I just don't get her. Any thoughts?


Anonymous said...

I am so sorry you are having to go through this! My 1st thought was that maybe he had a new bruise and she wants Mr B to look like the cause? IDK but I hope you all get it worked out soon :( Poor kid sounds like he needs to be with you!

Nutty Mom said...

maybe she's got something she wants to do, and needs a sitter. That's what my sis's ex always does to her

Dee said...

I've totally missed it all..I'm going to try and search for a post...

Christy said...

My thoughts...he could have more bruises and she wants to try and blame you guys again or she wants to go out and doesn't have anyone else who will keep him.

Ang said...

YOu just keep praying. The Bible says Satan is out there seeking whom he may devour, he knows this is a HUGE issue in your families lives right now and he is trying his best to disrupt it. Hug your husbands neck tonight and tell him he is a wonderful man for standing his ground!! Will be praying :)


WELL WHAT A SORE DELEMA THIS PUTS YOU IN HUH, I'M SO SORRY FOR YOUR PAIN AND YOU ARE ONE VERY STRONG LADY . GOD BLESS YOU FOR DOING THE RIGHT THING IN GODS EYES AND FOR GIVING THAT CHILD HOPE AND A PRAYER. I WILL PRAY THAT THIS NUTTY MOTHER THATS SEEMS TO BE IN THE PICTURE GETS SOME HELP AND IS A BETTER ROLE MODEL FOR THIS BABY. ANY SISUATITION LIKE THIS IS MORE DIFFULICULT ON YOUR SELF, FOR IT WAS YOU, THAT WAS HURT AND IT WAS YOU THAT IS SUCKING IT UP .SO IT IS YOU THAT IS SHINING IN GODS EYES.I REALLY HOPE THAT EVERY THING WORKS OUT And for refference take pictures before when you have the baby and after , keep a journal as a record of every thing you did and keep that for your protection. just a hint if you are deeling with well the other , which god blesss you for continuieing the marriage i know this has to be triple hard on you and hope to god that it never happenes again for you are a strong lady and are coping and deeling with alot on your plate .may god bless you and guide you through the next chspters in your life. blessings michelle

Heidi said...

That lady is nuts & you get an award just for NOT thumping her upside the head. My good grief!!!!

Anonymous said...

Oh my dear girl! What a lot of drama you have the responsibility of bearing! Life can sure be tough... and those we love make it tougher sometimes. I hope that one day you will be blessed beyond measure by the faithfulness you have towards your hubby, and your children. and that your own heart will heal from the pain... (I've been there -without producing children, thank you Jesus)

IMO, you can drive yourself nuts trying to understand other people. We just have to accept what we cannot change, ask for courage to change what we can, and wisdom to know the difference. Works for me.
