We went this morning to see a cardiologist who specializes in children at the local childrens hospital. Belle has had a small hole in her heart since she was born. We were advised to get an echo, which confirmed the hole the doctors and nurses heard in the hospital. Our action plan was to watch her and every six months we would get another echo. Last February, we went for our six month echo checkup and everything looked good. Our pediatrician said it was still there, but didn't seem to be affecting her, so we could move to yearly echos. Today was the yearly echo...I would have done it in February, but the darn deductible starts over in January, so here we are.
The doctor walked into the room, listened and ordered an echo, which worried me a bit. We went in, did the echo and Belle did really well. The doctor came in and gave us the results of the tests, no hole...it is gone! Praise God!
Thank you all for praying. That truly is a miraculous gift from God, just in time for Christmas!
OOOOHHHHHHHHH that is awesome!! I know the relief must be incredible!!! I am so happy for you and especially this kind of news right at Christmas!!
HOORAYYYY!!!! So glad to hear she's doing fine. What a great Christmas present.
What a wonderful Christmas gift for you!!!
Praise God!! My son was born with a hole in his heart, but by the grace of God and his healing hand it is gone!! May God bless you and your family this Christmas season!!
God is so great, cherish your day tomorrow.
Merry Christmas!!!
I am so happy for you! I really hope this was the start of a joyous Christmas.
Merry Christmas to you! You got what you wanted, yay! I am glad this prayer was answered for you.
Wow, a true Christmas miracle! That's wonderful! Praise God!
that is FANTASTIC news!! I hope the rest of your holiday was just as wonderful!
That's wonderful! Two of the 4 of mine had a hole and it healed. I read somewhere that 80% of all babies have them and of those 80% 90 % close on their own in the first 2 years of life, and even those who don't, rarely have any issues.
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