It's here again...Not Me Monday! Click on the button above to see MckMama's not me's and all the other MckFlurries who contributed this week.
I did not buy my husband a package of Pillsbury Peanut Butter Cup Big Deluxe Cookies, only to bake them four at a time, three times last week and share them with the kids. I mean, I would NEVER just bake them for myself and blame it on the kids. They definitely are not THE.BEST.COOKIES.EVER!!! Plus, eating them for dinner is totally nutritious and completely on my diet, because, they are totally calorie free (ahem!) and packed with vitamins and nutrients.
I did accidentally let a pen roll into our lint vent on the dryer, but I didn't call my mom and ask her if it was still ok to use. After her telling me it was probably ok to use, I would never call my husband because that wasn't the answer I wanted. I mean, I LOVE doing laundry. He then didn't proceed to tell me not to use it which I then didn't smile and dream of days without laundry. He didn't end up fixing it this morning (5 days later) and I am not now paying for it by having more laundry to do than ever.
I didn't dream last night that I was a hooker...and my husband was only ONE of my clients.
I didn't catch Raef giving Marcus a taste of Kool-Aid via his sippy cup. I then didn't go over and give some to Marcus myself, just to see his goodness, the boy is not even five months old...what kind of parent would I be?
I did not find you through MckMama nor am I waiting till everyone is out of the house to make cookies :)
Love your Not Mes and happy Monday :)
those cookies look awesome! Peanut's always trying to give Donut stuff to eat or drink, they're just so "helpful"
A cute list! I am so hungry for those cookies now!!
Random dream! I have crazy dreams all the time. Hope you enjoyed those cookies you didn't eat.
I have never hoped my dryer was broken either...only to have my dear father in law rush to my aide and fix it...and crush my dreams.
Thanks for the visit and SURE you can come to the beach with me! You have beautiful children...bring them along too! :) I love your Not Me's, especially the kool-aid one. Too funny!!
Great Not Me's! I know what you mean about the cookies. I make cookies for my husband and end up eating more than my share. I love your kids' names by the way :)
LOL I don't let my daughter suck on limes hoping for that cute sour face pucker AND it did not backfire and turn her into a lime craving baby :)
kool aid? ah honey you would be the kind of mom right after my own heart.
I love cookies, too. My son is only 4 1/2 months, so I can't blame my making them on him yet.
Thanks for stopping by!
Thankyou so much for commenting on my not me monday and I think yours is awsome
Our daughters COULD be twins. :)
Thanks for stopping by!
your dream is a TRIP. I have not had that exact same dream...about my boss!
LOL @ the hooker dream! I definitely never had a dream like that...never!
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