
Friday, February 27, 2009

So I Need Some Fashion Advice

I am one of those people who wear the same clothes for years, I mean YEARS, like from high school. I never buy new clothes unless they are on the clearance rack and I need it for some occasion. I am that woman you see in Target with three kids, wearing an Abercrombie shirt from ten years ago. Pathetic huh?

I am also one of those people who LOVE a great deal. I feel like I save money when I get something, 50%, 75%, heaven help me, 90% off. Its a serious problem. I actually used to work for Target as a clearance marker. I must have spent most of my paycheck there getting an "Awesome Deal!".

So, I am back in my skinny jeans not counting the muffin top and I found some great stuff online at Tracy Porter. Great like, more than 75% off. But, I am feeling a little guilty. We really don't have the extra funds to be spending on non-essentials and Mr B says green is not my color. But he said if I really wanted them, it was ok with him AND I had a 10% off coupon.

So I ask:
1. Are these too young for me?
2. Are they cute or am I delusional?
3. Do you think they still cost too much?


I Paid: $24.30

Mossy Sweater

Was: $180

I Paid: $22.50


Ang said...

GET RIPPED OFF? Are you crazy????????? That's the cutest stuff I have ever laid eyes on!!! WHAT DEALS...ok private email coming your you all my best rate credit cards #'s..sizes..etc...and you can pick me out some cool stuff..haha Oh wait...they don't make them in 'ahem'...bigger sizes..and I am sure I wouldn't be looking as cute as scratch that idea..ha You did a great job and now that you are back in your skinny jeans...Mr. B better look out with these new threads on you....:)

jill said...

YAYAYAYAY for the skinny jeans!!!!! and i freakin' love the green jacket. watch out, mr. b!!!!!!

Eve said...


That FIRST one...
YOU HOLD ON TIGHT TO THAT ADORABLE LITTLE GREEN JACKET!!! $25??? You've got to be kidding me!!! What a steal!
Jeez - can I hire you to go shopping for me? It sounds like you've got a knack for finding the great sales!

Liz Blalock said...

So Cute!!! I love them!! Where did you find the deals. Did I miss that important detail? :)

Liz Blalock said...

Tracy Porter here I come!!

diary of a suburban momma said...

The opera jacket is the cutest thing! What a steal- you will look adorable in that for years to come.

Anonymous said...

Awesome choices! It always feels good to wear a good deal! Plus being back in your skinny jeans too, YOU GO GIRL!!

ash said...

good for you. cute stuff and you absolutely deserve it.

heidi said...

I am late to this party and haven't read all the comments, but I have another window open and I am SERIOUSLY thinking about getting that green jacket. It is freakin' adorable. And..I think I have about 5 years on ya so no, you're not too old.

Look - I just went out and blew some money on clothes for me. EVeryone else walks around here is new outfits and clothes that I justify because of school or work or growth and yk what? DOggoneit..I deserve a new outfit every once in awhile, too. Not a $200 jacket but a $200 jacket I can get for $25 or less? Heck yeah!