
Monday, April 27, 2009

Miss Me...

Cause I missed you!

It's been too long. Actually, I can't take all the blame. My internet has been in and out and when it's "in" I am trying to get work done! Ok, and maybe a little Craigs List.

I miss my bloggy friends and today was the day I was going to get back on track. That was until the swine flu hit. We are supposed to be leaving next Monday, but I am afraid they are going to close the borders. Either before we go or while we're down there. Doesn't matter. Mr B says we're going no matter what, but I am checking out other spots in case they do...Jamaica anyone?

The Other has been a real pain lately. She seemed receptive on giving us more time until she had time to think it over. She now says no. Refuses to go to mediation, although the mediator told Mr B that if she wouldn't go, we would have to go to court and the judge would then make us go to mediation and she would have to pay for it (otherwise it's free).

She also showed up at the door wearing a skimpy, tight, dare I say "hoochy" outfit. I nearly slammed the door in her face. Ugh!

Guess what? I've lost 20 lbs! Woohoo! Just a few more left and maybe a little 'back fat' if you will. :)

So, how you all doing? I promise to try and catch up tomorrow. As long as my internet comes up.

Love and kisses to you all!


jill said...

we missed you!!!!!! WOW on dropping 20! there must be nothing left of you, dear! please, PLEASE be careful with the swine flu!!!! stupid hoochie mama. ick.

Carlito86 said...

Well done on losing the weight - it can be so hard! Hope the swine flu doesn't cause many problems for you all.


Mom on a Coulee said...

Good to hear from you, hope all goes well with the trip, think and pray for you often.

Ang said...

Hey girl..well I am glad I didn't have to send the blog police over:) If you have read my blog lately..I DON"T NEED TO BE STRESSING:) Glad you are ok. So happy that you have lost that weight..I am sure it's done wonders in the self esteem department..I know it would mine:) Please be careful on your ya girl!

mnmtatgirl said...

Glad to see you again! You were missed!

Just my two cents....

I love reading your blog. Your faith and the love you exude for your family is contagious. You make me want to be a more forgiving thoughtful person.

Your blog is public. You have pics of your husband and kids. With her change of heart, I wonder if someone may have clued her into your blog. I hope that's not the case. I read another blog that had to go privage because her XH found her blog. They used it in court against her in the custody case for their daughter. In her case, the judge understood her writing as an outlet, but told her to watch what she called her XH and his wife.

Anonymous said...

I hope you guys can still go to Mexico!
I haven't read your blog in a while, but love hearing about your life.

You are such a STRONG, beautiful person and I hope you're smiling. :)

Loved the video clips of your GORGEOUS baby too! Enjoy this precious time...

I look/read your blog and think of you as such a strong, loving person. Does your husband know how incredibly lucky he is?? Seriously... you're inspirational. Don't forget it.

Much love, Sophia